We live in a time when sacrifice is definitely out of fashion,
when the outside forces that taught our ancestors the need for unselfish
cooperative service have diminished. Someone has called this the “me”
generation—a selfish time when everyone seems to be asking, what’s in it for
me? Even some who should know better seem to be straining to win the praise of
those who mock and scoff from the “great and spacious building” identified in
vision as the pride of the world (see 1 Nephi 8:26–28;
(Dallin H. Oaks, “Unselfish Service,” General Conference Apr. 2009).
The worldly aspiration of our day is to get something for
nothing. The ancient evil of greed shows its face in the assertion of
entitlement: I am entitled to this or that because of who I am—a son or a
daughter, a citizen, a victim, or a member of some other group. Entitlement is
generally selfish. It demands much, and it gives little or nothing. Its very
concept causes us to seek to elevate ourselves above those around us. This
separates us from the divine, evenhanded standard of reward that when anyone
obtains any blessing from God, it is by obedience to the law on which that
blessing is predicated (see D&C 130:21)
(Dallin H. Oaks, “Unselfish Service,” General Conference Apr. 2009).
The effects of greed and entitlement are evident in the
multimillion-dollar bonuses of some corporate executives. But the examples are
more widespread than that. Greed and ideas of entitlement have also fueled the
careless and widespread borrowing and excessive consumerism behind the financial
crises that threaten to engulf the world (Dallin H. Oaks, “Unselfish Service,”
General Conference Apr. 2009).
Gambling is another example of greed and selfishness. The
gambler ventures a minimum amount in the hope of a huge return that comes by
taking it away from others. No matter how it is disguised, getting something
for nothing is contrary to the gospel law of the harvest: “Whatsoever a man
soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7;
see also 2 Corinthians
9:6). (Dallin H. Oaks, “Unselfish Service,” General Conference Apr.
The values of the world wrongly teach that “it’s all about me.”
That corrupting attitude produces no change and no growth. It is contrary to
eternal progress toward the destiny God has identified in His great plan for
His children. The plan of the gospel of Jesus Christ lifts us above our selfish desires
and teaches us that this life is all about what we can become (Dallin H. Oaks,
“Unselfish Service,” General Conference Apr. 2009).
Some say “I didn’t learn anything today” or “No
one was friendly to me” or “I was offended” or “The Church is not filling my
needs.” All those answers are self-centered, and all retard spiritual growth.
In contrast, a wise friend wrote:
“Years ago, I changed my attitude about going to
church. No longer do I go to church for my sake, but to think of others. I make
a point of saying hello to people who sit alone, to welcome visitors, … to
volunteer for an assignment….
“In short, I go to church each week with the intent of being
active, not passive, and making a positive difference in people’s lives.
Consequently, my attendance at Church meetings is so much more enjoyable and
fulfilling.” 13 (Dallin H.
Oaks, “Unselfish Service,” General Conference Apr. 2009).
When Satan has a hold on us, we become unaware or unconcerned of the pain and suffering our selfish desires and acts are causing.
ReplyDeleteIn Matthew 16:4, the term “adulterous,” is used to describe people who seek for signs without faith: “A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.” It is an interesting correlation between seeking signs and the attitude of adultery - an adulterous person looks to be gratified without making the proper commitments beforehand. The Doctrine and Covenants Student manual says, “He wants proof without price” and “seeks the results without accepting the responsibility”(pgs. 133-135). Another definition for the term is “faithlessness,” an excellent description of someone who demands “outward evidence of the power of God as a condition for his believing (ibid.).” Sign seeking is an attempt to temporarily satisfy one’s own selfish curiosity - not an effective tool for developing faith.